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Psoriasis Australia

Types of psoriasis

There are many different variations of psoriasis that can affect adults and children in many different ways. 

Plaque Psoriasis is the most common type of Psoriasis and is characterised by red, thick, patches of skin covered with silvery scales. Finger and toe nails, may also appear pitted, thicker than normal, or can even become loose and fall off.

Commonly occurring in children, adolescents and younger adults as small, drop-like lesions over the body, covered in fine scales. This form of Psoriasis is usually widespread across the torso, back and limbs. It sometimes appears on the palms of the hand and/or soles of feet.

This is commonly seen as red, smooth skin patches, without the typical white scales. It usually affects the armpits, groin area, under the breasts and other skin folds.

Usually appears as raised bumps (yellow-white “blisters”) that are filled with non-infectious pus (pustules) surround by tender red skin.This type of psoriasis primarily affects the palms of hands, and/or soles of feet, but is occasionally widespread. Patches can occur randomly on any part of the body. People with pustular psoriasis are often systemically unwell and require urgent medical attention.

This type of psoriasis can be associated with chronic plaque psoriasis and is usually localised to palms of the hand and soles of the feet. It is characterised by well-defined, red, scaly plaques that are similar to plaques found on other areas of the body.

This tends to be characterised by intense redness and scaling and for some people may be associated with severe itchiness, swelling and pain. This type of psoriasis involves widespread inflammation over large areas of the body surface.

This form of Psoriasis is characterised by small dents and discoloration across the nail that may lead to crumbling or lifting of the nail from the nail bed. It is possible for a person to have Psoriasis of the nails, with no other Psoriasis on the skin.

Scalp Psoriasis can make the scalp feel itchy and causing dandruff-like flakes to fall. It is very similar to Plaque Psoriasis by having red patches of skin, covered in thick, silvery-white scales. People with severe Scalp Psoriasis may experience thinning of the hair or temporary hair loss that normally grows back after effective treatment.